Welcome from the Friends of the Refuge Headwaters
News and Events
Tree Planting Follow Up
We finally received the trees that we were hoping to plant last week. Tuesday morning (October 26th) is the best weather to get trees in the ground. We will meet at the Weaver Landing at 8:30am. Please let Mary Stefanski know if you are able to participate. Email: [email protected]
Read MoreFriends October Meeting
Friends and Volunteers, you are invited to participate in the next regular Friends meeting which will be held at the Refuge office, 102 Walnut Street, Suite 205 beginning at 4:15 p.m. on Thursday, October 28th. This will be the last meeting until January 2022! The focus of this meeting will be to review three slide…
Read MoreVolunteers Needed and More Fun Stuff!
Friends and Volunteers, We are planning on receiving a shipment of 100 trees next week to plant at Halfmoon, Verchota, McNally, and Weaver Landings. We will work with the weather but hope to get them in the ground the week of October 18. These are larger trees that will come in containers so shovel/spade digging…
Read MoreFriends of the Refuge Headwaters September Meeting
The next regular meeting of the Friends of the Refuge Headwaters is Thursday, September 23 beginning at 4:15 p.m. The agenda for the meeting is attached as well as a photo to enhance the agenda item 4A. Thank you to former FORH President John Lyons for his assistance! The meeting will be held at the…
Read MoreCompatibility Determination Available for Public Review
NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY: Compatibility Determination, Transportation of Dredged Material, Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge. A draft compatibility determination which evaluates the transportation of dredged material across lands and waters of the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge (Refuge) is available for public comment. The compatibility determination does not evaluate the act…
Read MoreAvailability of Trapping Permits for the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge
In consideration of the on-going COVID 19 pandemic, in 2021, the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge (Refuge) is offering both a remote and in-person opportunity for Refuge trappers to receive the required Special Use Permit (SUP) and trap tags. SUP applications and instructions are available on-line at www.fws.gov/refuge/Upper_Mississippi_River/trapping.html. Trappers who choose the…
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