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Welcome to Mertes' Landing. Entrance off WI-54 from Winona.
Google Maps showing an aerial view of Mertes' Slough Boat Landing, located approximately 1 mile from the bottom of the Interstate bridge in Winona, GPS Coordinates of 44.065408, -91.635
Entrance to parking area and boat ramp.
Informational kiosk, boat ramp, and fishing dock.
Disabled accessible fishing dock and only open to non-motorized watercraft (canoes, kayaks, etc.) or watercraft with Electric Motors. Boats may possess a gas engine, but may not use it while in the Mertes' Slough.
Disabled accessible walking path to peninsula with bench for great fishing opportunities. Take the foot path around the gate or if you possess a disabled license plate, access may be gained by unlocking the gate with a key after applying for a permit with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife at 102 Walnut St, Suite 205.
View of peninsula walkway, bench and fishing area.
View of cardinal flowers near walking path to the peninsula.