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Google Maps showing an aerial view of Verchota Boat Landing, located on the Prairie Island Road at 27988 Harbor Drive in Minnesota City, MN, GPS Coordinates of 44.092736, -91.7200
Visitors can also park on the Prairie Island Dike Road and take the staircase to the landing or park below near the boat ramp.
The entrance road is slightly sloped and can be slippery in the winter.
Rounding the curve of the roadway to the landing, boaters will see large cottonwood trees and benches for sitting and enjoying the Mississippi River backwater view.
The dock is great for fishing. The water around the dock changes seasonally, displaying bright blue open water in the spring, tall vegetation with flowers of white and purple in the summer, green duckweed in the fall and sparkling white ice in the winter. This fall photo shows the lotus plants (beyond and to the left of the dock) and wild rice (standing brown stalks in the background) as well as the bright green duckweed covering the water. Duckweed is a small floating plant that is highly prized as a habitat for small insects that are the preferred food of many waterfowl.
A view of the landing from the water in the summer.