May Friends Meeting and Upcoming Events

Project COMPASS Fishing Events – Volunteers needed for Wednesday, May 29th at the Huff Street dock and Wednesday, June 12th at the Hiawatha Valley Marine Shelter on West Lake Winona. Both events are from 5 pm to 6:15 pm. Please RSVP to Stephanie ([email protected] or 608-769-4408).

Friends Meeting – We are happy to be hosting the next Friends regular monthly meeting on Thursday, May 23rd beginning at 4:15 pm in the Refuge Office (102 Walnut Street, Suite 205, Winona). Join us to learn more or to become a participant in planning upcoming events and activities on the refuge. Click here for the upcoming meeting agenda.

Refuge’s 100th Anniversary Events – Check out the 100th Anniversary website for fun information, special events, and activities that are happening up and down the Upper Mississippi River.